Mighty Meghan

Mighty Meghan

Monday, January 14, 2013

All has been quiet around here lately, which has been a nice change of pace.  Meghan is feeling good, Luke is back to school (and talking non stop about ice fishing) and daycare has resumed.  However, Jeff caught Meghan's bug last Wednesday.  He is feeling a little better, but he still isn't 100% himself yet. 

Meghan resumed PT and OT last Wednesday.  The girls were very impressed with the improvements Meghan made over Christmas break!  She is now able to get to the standing position all on her own and doesn't need to hold onto someone or an object to stand.  She has also mastered placing an object in a container and turning pages in a book.  Some areas we are still working on is feeding herself with silverware (still a huge struggle), stacking objects, pulling objects apart (Lego's or velcroed toys).  They started doing sensory testing and will do some more testing this Wednesday.  Sensory processing refers to the way the nervous system receives messages from the senses and turns them into appropriate motor and behavioral responses.  I will update when I know more on how she scores.  They also said it's time for Meghan to wear either SMO's or AFO's.  SMO's are shorter braces that come up above the ankle and AFO's are taller braces that come to the calf muscle.  Meghan curls her toes under and also curls both of her feet inward.  Braces will also help with her low muscle tone in her ankles.  We will meet with a physical therapist and orthopedist in February while at Childrens regarding this.

Meghan received her beautiful Dora pillowcase which was donated to her from Pillowcases for Patients.  I will post a picture of Meghan with her pillowcase soon!

Luke wore his Chiari shirt to school recently and I was contacted by one of the teachers at his school.  She said she noticed Luke's shirt and asked him about it.  She said that she has Chiari and was decompressed in 2001 (if I remember correctly).  She said she wanted to contact me so I could talk to someone who has this and ask her any questions I had.  I couldn't believe it!  It is so nice knowing someone else in the community goes through the same thing as Meghan. 

Meghan would like you all to keep her great uncle Gary (Jeff's uncle) and his family in your thoughts and prayers.  He was in a farming accident on Thursday and got his leg caught in a sweeping auger.  He's had a couple surgeries already and has more to go through.  BUT --- there is a 95% chance that his leg will be saved!  We are told that he is in very good spirits and has his sense of humor, which is great to hear!  We're praying for you Gary!!


  1. Way to go Meghan! My thoughts and prayers go out to uncle Gary and his family. Gary has always been a strong individual and I know he will get through this!


  2. Great news about finding someone local that you can talk to about chiari. Glad toiLl hear jeffrey is getting better and I hope the rest of you stay well will b glad when meghans surgery is over and
    She is healed. Sounds like meghan is working hard. Thanks meghan for asking for prays for gary I saw gary today and he is doing awesome sounds like two more surgeries yet this week and then hopefully it will b on his way to recovery gary and melody are very appreciative of everyones support
    Love u meghan. Grandma linda
