A few weeks ago, Jeff and I made a decision we have been contemplating about doing for a year. We have changed Meghan's primary doctor. She will now be seen by a pediatrician in Mankato. It was a hard decision to make, but one that was necessary. Since she will be having routine ultra sounds and AFP tests every 3 months to scan for stomach and kidney tumors, we needed a medical facility - preferably closer than the cities - that is knowledgeable enough to know what to look for during these procedures. My mommy gut just doesn't have the trust in our hometown clinic to do these. We met with the new ped and discussed Meghan's different conditions. She works closely with a couple of Meghan's specialists in the Cities, which is a good feeling.
We still don't have any news on the chromosome tests :( This momma is getting very anxious to find out the results so hopefully we hear something soon!!
Therapy is going very well! Meghan can now take steps down stairs. Not on her own, but she can DO IT with support - which is great! I got an unexpected call from her speech therapist (who is supposed to be off during the summer) a couple weeks ago. The school district talked her into working with a few kids during the summer since they were having a hard time finding someone to fill in for her during the summer. I am super happy she is working with Meghan during the summer, but sad for her that she isn't able to enjoy her time off this summer. We are looking into getting an iPad for Meghan to help with her speech and cause and effect. Meghan is starting to mimic some sounds we make! While her progress is slow, it's still progress and we are so super proud of all the progress she makes and all of the hard work she does every single day. The bond we have made with her 3 therapists is awesome - they are like family to us. It's amazing how God places just the right people in your lives when you need it the most. I remember when Meghan was first evaluated for therapy - before we had any diagnosis' for Meghan - the PT and OT girls picked up on some red flags with Meghan (wouldn't look up, clenched fists with thumb tucked in). These red flags were indicators of neurological issues and I'm so happy we are blessed with therapists who know what to watch for.
Meghan has taken a couple big falls the last few weeks - resulting in a small chipped front tooth, split lip in 2 different spots and a bruised forehead on right side. It's so heart breaking watching all of this happen :( We try so hard to make her life as easy as possible and we are so afraid that one day she will take a bad enough fall to do damage. She doesn't have the best reflexes, or upper body strength, so when she falls, she isn't always able to catch herself, which results in her landing on her head :( Most of the falls happen when she is walking on concrete :( I talked to her therapists about this issue today. They suggested it could be due to depth perception issue which I agree with. She said to someone with altered depth perception, concrete becomes invisible after a while because it's too monotonous and blends in. In grass, she can see different lengths of grass so she is able to visualize it's there. She suggested using colored chalk to color the sidewalk with different colors to see if that helps Meghan be able to visualize the depth of what is under her. Might sound silly - but makes sense to me. She suggested a closed toe sandal as well. We purchased a pair of closed toe sandals tonight and tomorrow, the daycare kids are set to color the sidewalk til their little hearts content :)
We are getting a nice break from doctor appointments for a while! We will go to the cities early August for ultra sound, AFP test and meet with the urologist (regarding Meghan's Hydronephrosis) to make a treatment plan. Then we'll have a break again, but will be hit hard in October/November when we are back in the cities for Neuro, orthopedic, genetics and ultra sound/AFP appointments throughout those months. So we are completely enjoying our nice break right now!!
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