Mighty Meghan

Mighty Meghan

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Meghan had her growth hormone stimulation test done a couple days ago.  From start to finish, including IV set up, and placement, we were there for 5 hours.  The test involved 7 different blood draws to monitor her growth hormone level, one oral med in the beginning to get her pituitary gland jump started since it doesn't produce much growth hormone during the day, and then another med through the IV about 1/2 way through the test.  Overall, Meghan did super!  The child life specialist brought in an Ipad to keep Meghan distracted while the nurses placed the IV.  She did great until the needle poked through, then the tears flowed.  The hardest part was keeping Meghan distracted since she couldn't eat from midnight before the test until the test was complete - which was around noon.  She fell asleep for about an hour and even slept through an entire blood draw and IV med change.  We don't have any results yet.  Hopefully by the end of the week.

Snuggled in with Mom, finally getting some much needed rest!!

Enjoying some ice cream after finishing the test!!

Meghan had a routine abdominal ultra sound a few weeks ago.  I got a call from genetics last week saying that her Hydronephrosis (fluid in kidney's) is more severe and that we need to schedule an appointment with her urologist.  With Hydronephrosis, there are Grades 0-4.  Grades 0-2 is considered mild, Grade 3 is moderate and Grade 4 is severe.  Meghan has always been at Grade 1.  The last couple of ultra sounds the fluid has increased and she is now at Grade 2.  Given the fluid increases over the last couple of ultra sounds, the urologist would like to do a series of tests to see if we can get answers as to why urine is collecting in her kidneys.  There is a blockage somewhere - just need to figure out where, and if we find the blockage, what the next step would be to correct the blockage.  So, our next step is to have 3 different tests performed - 1. Urodynamics  2. Renogram      3. VCUG  All 3 tests will be done on the same day and will require her to be cathed and have an IV.  Depending on how she tolerates being cathed, she may be slightly sedated so the tests can be performed.  We will schedule the appointment as a sedation procedure, as it's a good possibility that Meghan will need to be sedated in order to be cathed.

The very best news of all lately is that Meghan's runner and her husband just booked a flight to meet Meghan in November!!!  Jenn and her family live in Maryland.  It will be so awesome to have the two meet in person and Jeff and I are excited to meet them, too!  Meghan and Jenn have quite the bond.  November can't come soon enough and we are so fortunate to be able to have this opportunity!

Meghan has 2 more weeks of therapy and then she will graduate from the birth - 3 early intervention program.  It will definitely be a bittersweet day!

1 comment:

  1. We love you Meghan! You are one strong little girl. We keep you in our prayers and you are always on my mind. I am SO excited to come and see you in the fall. We are going to have a blast. I will be sure to send you some goodies before we come out:) Love you sweetheart!
