Mighty Meghan

Mighty Meghan

Friday, August 9, 2013

Oh little Meghan...the stories we will share with you when you are older are endless!  I feel like I have aged 10 years in the last 1.5 years :)  But...I wouldn't trade any of it for the world because the journey we are on with you has taught us so many things.  It has taught us what compassion truly is.  It has taught us not to be so judgemental of others.  It has definitely taught us patience.  It has taught us more about the human body than we ever imagined we'd know.  We've learned funky terminology that the doctors talk to us about.  But most of all, it has taught us how unbelievably strong such a little girl can be!  You are amazingly strong and we are extremely proud of you!  Yesterday, we were told of a slight setback.  Your AFP test, which is a tumor marker blood test, came back at an elevated level.  Elevated numbers are not our friends :(  We want really really low numbers.  But this is okay, because it is just another learning experience for us.  The increase isn't an extreme jump from April, but it is considered a red flag to your doctors who keep a close eye on you.  Your number could be elevated because it is picking up on something in the very very beginning stage, or it could just be a fluke.  Mommy and Daddy think it's just a fluke and that it's just your sneaky way of keeping us on our toes!  We are going to have you rechecked in 3 months and at that time, we hope to hear your number went back down to the normal range.  We don't want another number increase.  Mom and Dad are going to try really really hard to think positive!  We sure hope the next 3 months go by fast so we have more answers!  We know you will keep us very busy, which will help the time pass!  You just keep being the happy, adorable little girl that you are and we know that everything will be okay :)

1 comment:

  1. Grandma just got a chance to catch up on Mommy's blog that she posts for us all to keep up on your life. You definitely are a little fighter. I am going to agree with Mommy and Daddy and think positive that the number being elevated was a fluke. You are doing so good and Grandma was so excited that I could hold you without you crying until you saw your Mommy and Daddy. Love you lots. Grandma Linda
